How to Repair Your Playground's Poured in Place Rubber Flooring

Repairing a broken poured in place surface is easy, and the Trassig repair kit will come with all of the material you need, pre-measured. The holes in the wear layer of a poured in place surface can present tripping hazards as well as affecting the impact attenuation qualities of the surface. Patches can stand out on the surface because the colors won’t match and so many people use this as an opportunity to add shapes, letters, or designs to the surface.

  1. You will need a trowel, soapy water, gloves, a utility knife, a bucket, and a mixing stick.
  2. You will only have 30 minutes to work with the material after it is mixed, so make sure the area is clean and ready.
  3. Mix all of the rubber granules with all of the binder while mixing.
  4. Use the glue residue left over to prime the edges of the hole.
  5. Use the trowel to fill the hole with the mixed materials.
  6. Lubricate the trowel with soapy water and smooth over the repaired area.
  7. Allow the area to cure for 24 to 48 hours to cure.